Entanglement is a term used in quantum theory to describe the way that particles of energy/matter can become linked to predictably interact with each other regardless of how far apart they are.
Entanglement is a quantum theory term used in Physics to depict the way particles of matter or energy can become linked to predictably interact with each other regardless of the distance between them.
Particles like electrons and photons can be entangled with each other in pairs as a result of them retaining a mysterious connection. This process is known as correlation. Knowing an entangled particle’s spin state allows one to know that the spin of the particle’s mate/pair is in the opposite direction. For example if one particle is spinning up, it’s mate is spinning down. Whats even more bizarre is due to the knowledge of Superposition Phenomena, the particle being measured has no single direction of spin before it’s measured, yet it is simultaneously in both an up and down spin state. Spin state of the particle being measured is decided at the time it’s being measured, then it is communicated to it’s mate particle, which instantly assumes the opposite spin direction of the original measured particle. Quantum entanglement allow ‘Qubits’ separated by vast distances (even light years) to interact with each other instantly in a communication interaction that is not limited to the speed of light. As long as the particles are isolated, they will remain entangled no matter how great the distance.
Entanglement is a real observable scientific phenomenon. Einstein referred to it as “spooky action at a distance”, it has been demonstrated many times in scientific experiments. A proposed theory of this suggest that all particles in the universe were once compacted tightly together and as a result still maintain a connectedness.
Much practical research is focusing on how to harness the potential of entanglement by developing systems for quantum cryptography and quantum computing.
In 1997, Nicholas Gisin and his team at the University of Geneva used entangled photons to allow a simple yet instantaneous communication over a distance of 7 miles.
Does the human brain contain a system of quantum entangled structures? Could this entanglement provide connection to other systems, perhaps to the entire space-time continuum?
This is really mind boggling. If true, it could provide a physical definition of mind vs brain, explain mental processes that seem to exceed the physical computational capacity of the macroscopic brain structures, and substantiate and explain telepathy, clairvoyance, telekinesis, out-of-body experiences/astral projection, near-death experiences, paranormal encounters (ghosts); reincarnation; past life memories, etc.
My personal philosophy for decades has been that, if there is such a thing as a greater consciousness, it is what I would call the Cosmic Consciousness (CC), that is, a consciousness comprised of a universal intelligence with links to every consciousness in the space-time continuum. Quantum entanglement would provide a physical medium for such links.
Since any closed system eventually stagnates, the CC obtains external input to avoid stagnation. This is accomplished by allowing portions of the CC to break contact and exist independently - what we refer to as "souls". The experiences of these isolated consciousnesses provide the external input when they rejoin the CC. That is, we are all volunteers living isolated from the CC, providing it with new input through our life experiences. I thought this idea was pretty original, until I found out about a similar idea that it has been around for ages in Buddhism. Their idea was that some of their most revered priests actually reached Nirvana, but chose to stay on earth to guide others, instead of passing on over.
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